Matthew Nicoll, Cypher Consulting

Summary of Database Experience

  • 1991: Developed a timesheet/project/task system for the Senior Analyst of the Science and Productivity division of the Institute of Ocean Sciences. The project involved defining custom forms, reports with graphics, extensive use of MS- Access-Basic modules, event procedures, separate table and application object database files.
  • 2000-present: Maintain the Ministry of Transportation's Landmark Kilometre Inventory in an MS-Access database. This involves reports, SQL queries, VBA modules for data checking and export, separate code and linked table databases.
  • 2008-present: Maintain a booking and management system for a high-end wilderness resort company. The system includes automatic generation of MS-Word, PDF and HTML documents for delivery to clients, agents and web site.
  • 2001-present: Wrote and maintain a multi-user data entry program in Visual Basic 6, using the ADO interface to MS-Access and Oracle databases.
  • 1991: Implemented the Data Archive DataBase at the Institute of Ocean Sciences, using FORMS, SQL, SQL-Plus, PRO*FORTRAN programs.
  • 2001-present: worked on a large Fisheries and Oceans Canada Oracle database, using SQL-Plus, SQL-Devleoper, Visual Basic 6 / ADO; performing data error analysis, data corrections, table modifications and VB6 application enhancements. (Details)
  • 2007-2008: Designed and implemented an Oracle Salmon Catch Summary Database for the Pacific Biological Station, and loaded it with data from a Fortran/VMS system, and from two other Oracle-based catch databases.
  • 2008-present: use SQL*PLUS and SQL Developer to analyse and trouble-shoot data in the 100+ table BC MoT Collision Information System.
  • 2004: Installed the WAMP5 (Windows Apache MySQL PHP5) package on a Windows XP workstation, and experimented with table creation, data loading, SQL queries & display using PHP - as part of a feasibility study for a client's web application.
  • 2010: Designed and implemented a Linux/MySQL database, with an MS-Access/MyODBC admin application, Excel-VBA/MyODBC up and downloading facilities, and a scheduled Linux process for replicating updates up to a web-linked MySQL database.
Paradox (1991 - 1999)
  • Wrote my own accounting and invoicing system, using Paradox.
  • Wrote a customer & invoice database for a car repair business.
  • Wrote a custom accounting and invoicing system for a construction business.
  • Converted a DND repair shop inventory from Word-Perfect format to a Paradox database.
  • 1995: Supervised two student programmers in the maintenance and enhancement, over a period of two months, of three production Clarion databases: a BC Court Registry system, a newspaper distribution system and a carpet inventory system.
dBase IV
  • 1991-1992: Designed and implemented a database for Highway pavement testing data. This involved use of the Applications Generator, Forms design, writing in excess of 80 modules of Dbase IV code, exporting data for graphical display etc.
Data Modelling
  • 1987: performed data modelling as part of two Requirements Analysis contracts for the B.C. Ministry of Transportation: Classified Traffic Data System , and Photolog Data System.
  • 1987: performed data modelling for the Data Archive DataBase for the Institute of Ocean Sciences, in preparation for an Oracle implementation. This is a relational database with 12 inter-related tables.

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